Welcome on Paul Ladmirault’s web site.
Paul Ladmirault is a french composer, Born in Nantes (44) on december 8th, 1877
Deceased in Camoël (56) on october 30th, 1944.
He was :
- Pupil of Gabriel Fauré (1897-1904)
- First price of harmony unanimously at the Academy of Paris in 1899
- Gold medal at the Exposition Universelle of Paris in 1937
- First price Charrier at the Institute of Chamber Music in 1938
- Professor at the Écoles de la ville of Paris
- Professor of harmony, counterpoint, fugue at the Academy of Nantes
- Music critic in Le Courrier Musical, La Revue Musicale, Chantecler, Ouest-Éclair.
“Mystic and anxious Breton, always captive of an interior dream, benevolent and inattentive, having nerves of oversensitive, the innocent cheerfulness of a child, the savage decency of a secular monk and the heat of a disciple of Leon Bloy…”. For those who knew Paul Ladmirault, this portrait signed by Emile Vuillermoz, depicts him exactly”.
The work of Paul Ladmirault testifies to the fortunate and necessary fusion of the inspiration and the trade
He knew all the price of serious musical studies.